Call to action: PIONEER Patient Related Outcome Measures
August 12, 2021Prostate Cancer (PCa) is characterised by a relatively long natural history, where a substantial proportion of PCa patients die...
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Press release: Paving the way for machine learning with medical data
July 27, 2021Data science specialist CASUS and the PIONEER research consortium ally in the fight against prostate cancer The Centre for...
Big Data 4 Better Outcomes: Recommendations for the European Health Data Space
July 19, 2021Coordinated by PIONEER the five Big Data 4 Better Outcomes (BD4BO) projects of the Innovative Medicines Initiative have come...
Odysseus Data Services, Inc. joins PIONEER study-a-thon effort as sponsoring partner
June 18, 2021Odysseus will join forces with PIONEER, EHDEN and OHDSI to progress the ongoing PIONEER Study-a-thon. The study-a-thon is investigating...
News Flash – New PIONEER data partner!
June 7, 2021PIONEER welcomes new data partner the Foundation University Institute for Primary Health Care Research Jordi Gol i Gurina (IDIAPJGol)...
PIONEER presents at the OHDSI Community Call
June 7, 2021The May 18 OHDSI Community Call featured a presentation from six representatives (Kees van Bochove, Giorgio Gandaglia, Asieh Golozar,...
PIONEER News Flash – Three new data providers join the consortium
April 21, 2021PIONEER The European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Prostate Cancer welcomes three new external data providers to...
PIONEER joins forces with EHDEN & OHDSI for prostate cancer study-a-thon
March 24, 2021Recent study-a-thon investigates the natural history and outcomes of prostate cancer patients managed with watchful waiting. A conservative management...
Uncovering the natural history of prostate cancer in data from millions of patient across the globe
January 5, 2021PIONEER, EHDEN and OHDSI join forces to study the clinical management of prostate cancer in a virtual studyathon Prostate...
PIONEER Project will benefit from three new external datasets
January 4, 2021PIONEER The European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Prostate Cancer gains momentum as further Data Sharing Agreements...