PIONEER welcomes new data partner the Foundation University Institute for Primary Health Care Research Jordi Gol i Gurina (IDIAPJGol) from Catalonia, Spain. IDIAPJGol will participate in the PIONEER consortium providing results from its large Information System for Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP) database. SIDIAP includes data routinely recorded by healthcare professionals during primary care visits for approximately 5.8 million people since 2006. The database contains information on a range of variables including demographic data, health problems, prescriptions and dispensed drugs by pharmacies, and laboratory tests that have all already been mapped to the OMOP Common Data Model (OMOP-CDM).
Within PIONEER SIDIAP will opt for the federated data model; therefore, contributing results of analyses and aggregated data about diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer patients. By choosing the federated model SIDIAP’s data remains secure behind their firewalls and no individual patient data is shared. Epidemiologist and real-world evidence lead for SIDIAP, Dr. Talita Duarte Salles explains why SIDIAP decided to join PIONEER
“SIDIAP contains high quality data for a large number of prostate cancer cases with a long follow-up time in Catalonia. We hope that the results from this database will help PIONEER on its mission to improve prostate cancer outcomes and health system efficiency.”
The continued engagement of new data providers will allow PIONEER to answer the most important prostate cancer questions that have been prioritised by all stakeholders. Are you interested in joining this exiting project and contributing data to PIONEER? Contact us at pioneer.info@uroweb.org.
Website: www.idiapjgol.org – L’Institut