The main aim of WP6 is to identify and address evidence gaps which can delay decision-making by regulatory agencies, health technology assessment (HTA) bodies and payers, which ultimately compromises timely patient access to innovative treatments for prostate cancer. WP6 will build upon previously gained experience in other EU-funded projects and international initiatives and will provide advice and support to work packages 2, 3, 4 and 5 to ensure that the HTA-, patient-, regulator-, and payer-relevant perspectives are reflected. Objectives To achieve its objectives WP6 will develop a new model for multi-stakeholder dialogue by creating an Expert Committee Policy Stakeholder Feedback Forum (ECPSFF) involving the consortium members, external experts at the EU and Member State level (ensuring broad representation of the diverse models of healthcare systems in the EU), patients and clinicians, regulators, HTA bodies and payers, as well as stakeholders involved in evidence generation. The input and advice of the ECPSFF will be essential to ensure the generalisability and applicability of PIONEER’s outcomes to the relevant health agencies within EU member states. European Alliance for Personalised Medicine, Swedish Institute for Health Economics, Janssen Pharmaceutical, Bayer and Sanofi.Work Package 6: HTA regulator-payer integration
WP6 Partners