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Work package 4: Data platform

The main aim of WP4 is to deliver a data repository and analytics platform that is secure, sustainable and meets PIONEER’s objective to improve prostate cancer outcomes by identifying the relevant outcome measures from epidemiological, clinical, economic and, patient-reported outcome data. To achieve its aim WP4 will work closely with WP3 and WP5.


  1. Provide a centralised catalogue that is secure and allows for efficient upload, storage and management of the metadata of available prostate cancer data sets to facilitate sharing of and access requests to the data sets, for the duration of the PIONEER project and beyond.
  2. Establish a population-based registry platform to allow epidemiological research.
  3. Establish an omics analysis platform to allow researchers to combine clinical and omics group data for biomarker and other omic-based research.
  4. Provide tools for the curation and harmonisation of the data hosted on the various platforms, and most importantly, provide training to the consortium on how to use these tools.
  5. Provide input into the development of novel informatics tools.

WP4 Partners

The Hyve B.V., ASSOCIATION EISBM, Varian Medical Systems, Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, Bayer, Radboud University Medical Center, Astellas Pharma and Orion Corporation.